Persbo Service AB - Industritjänster från Dalarna
To Rent

Height: 18.46m; Horizontal length: 12.10m; Platform weight: 230 kg Click "Go to Link" below for a product description from the manufacturer's website.

Height: 18.46m; Horizontal length: 12.10m; Platform weight: 230 kg Click "Go to Link" below for a product description from the manufacturer's website.

Height: 18.46m; Horizontal length: 12.10m; Platform weight: 230 kg Click "Go to Link" below for a product description from the manufacturer's website.

Height: 18.46m; Horizontal length: 12.10m; Platform weight: 230 kg Click "Go to Link" below for a product description from the manufacturer's website.

Height: 13.72m; Horizontal length: 7.47; Platform weight: 230 kg Click "Go to Link" below for a product description from the manufacturer's website.

Height: 13.72m; Horizontal length: 7.47; Platform weight: 230 kg Click "Go to Link" below for a product description from the manufacturer's website.

Height: 13.72m; Horizontal length: 7.47; Platform weight: 230 kg Click "Go to Link" below for a product description from the manufacturer's website.